Bible Reading Marathon!

Bible reading marathon!

Over the last 12 months as a community, we have had a growing hunger for reading God’s Word.  Amongst other things… a number of us have embarked on reading the Bible in a year, following a plan together that tracks the Jewish festivals and calendar.  Within gatherings, services and home groups we have delved into larger ‘chunks’ of scripture together. 

During testimony times, individuals have expressed a new love of God’s Word or fresh revelation and understanding of parts of scripture.  We’ve spent longer in certain God-given passages (for example using the same chapter over a number of weeks in services for preaching and reflection). 

Then, in January, we embarked on the challenge of reading the whole of the Bible as a fellowship over… well, as long as it took!  This meant setting up a rota with four core teams, who committed to three 2-hour slots every 24 hours, and then invited others to sign up (or turn up) to join in with the Bible reading.  The cover-to-cover reading began after a couple of hours of corporate worship on the Friday evening, which then moved into the lounge / office space we rent, starting with Genesis and continued 24/7 until we finished around 3:15am on Tuesday morning with Revelation!

Over the 4 days, we estimated 54 different individuals joined in, coming along to take their turn in reading scripture aloud (usually a chapter in turn around the room).  It was noticeable that some who had signed up once, generally came again, because it really was quite a unique and special thing to do.  It drew those in the room together in deep fellowship, it was powerful to hear and speak out God’s Word; absorbing it, it invited Holy Spirit’s presence and revelation.  As one who was part of a core team, I do confess to not being overly sure how I’d fare travelling backwards and forwards three times each 24 hours, including in the middle of the night…but I can honestly say that I was energised and radically inspired.  I shouldn’t be surprised should I, as after all God’s Word is life!

This was a really significant, inspiring time.  There have been testimonies of healing experienced whilst reading, clear prophetic senses given for our locality, deep times of fellowship whilst immersing ourselves in the truth of the Word and a knowledge that God was honoured as we offered the time in worship to Him.

Jodie Thorpe, The Well @ Woodseats, Church Plant in Sheffield.


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