Churches Together, Dewsbury - Easter Feedback

It's been a little while since Easter but here is some encouraging feedback from Churches Together in Dewsbury:


“We have a regular Holy Week witness in the front of a large cross erected in before a town centre church. The cross is manned by a rota of  volunteers from all 12 churches, and people who come to it are encouraged to write the name of someone needing prayer onto a lolly stick and put it in the sand at the base of the cross. The sticks are then collected in and people are prayed for at the end of the week. 


We usually hand out tracts whilst at the cross but used the wildflower cards this year. We circulated a short video beforehand encouraging volunteers not to just hand them out but use them to begin conversations about faith. The feedback from this was really positive! People said it made it easier for them to witness and boosted the confidence of several who are normally too nervous to say anything. 


We also used the cards at the Good Friday outreach service in town, and then again on Easter Saturday - whilst the Destination 211 team were doing crafts and telling the story to children, Neil and I were giving the cards out to waiting parents. We had some really good conversations!”


Ruth Wood (Dewsbury Baptist Church, Leeds)


Barnsley Baptisms


And another! - Clayton Baptist Church Baptism