2024 YBA Assembly & AGM

WHEN? 11th May 2024 (10am-4pm)
Cornerstone Baptist Church, Kirkstall Ln, Headingley, Leeds LS6 3LF

The YBA Assembly gathers church members, leaders, ministers, church planters, pioneers, disciple-making group members, chaplains, youth & children’s specialist, community workers, young adults, deacons from across the association.

It gathers us to celebrate, worship and pray together as we seek to make disciples and multiply healthy churches across Yorkshire. 

This year we have new member churches to welcome as they have grown from new plants to established communities. There will be updates on how we are releasing money to support new churches starting, encourage disciple-making and offer support to grow our existing churches. We will enjoy each other’s company around lunch and have shared learning in some seminars.

Last year over 150 of us gathered and we would love to exceed that! This year we are hosted at Cornerstone Baptist Church in Leeds from 10:00-16:00 and the day includes our AGM. 

There will not be distinct children’s activities, but children and teenagers are very welcome. 


We are delighted to welcome Rev Dr Girma Bishaw as our keynote morning contributor and throughout the day.

Girma is a City Catalyst for The London Project. The London Project seeks to strengthen, unite and multiply the church in London.

Girma has a particular focus on serving diaspora church leaders to be more effective in mission. He also serves as the director of Gratitude Initiative, a charity that exists to promote the sharing of gratitude to change the social imagination that leads to relational transformation and a sense of belonging and justice amongst communities.

Before founding Gratitude Initiative, Rev Girma served as a pastor of the Ethiopian Christian Fellowship Church, where he played a key role in the planting of diaspora churches in London as well as across the UK.

Girma is married to Yodit, and together they have a son and a daughter. Girma enjoys good food, a good book and good company. 

Alongside Girma we will have a multi-voice approach, hearing from and learning from those within YBA as together we seek to make disciples and multiply churches.  Seminar options during the afternoon will include Project Violet: reflecting on the experience of women in our Baptist family led by Regional Minister Nike Adebajo, Gratitude, Unity and Inter-Ethnicity in Healthy Churches led by Girma, and a seminar led by Jodie Thorpe, our YBA Children, Youth & Families Enabler. Full details of these and others will be available on the day when you will be able to choose which one you would like to attend.

As always, there are two types of tickets - one for official Church Representatives in line with our YBA structure and one for Attendees. ALL ARE WELCOME!

Please note the following: 

Under the YBA Articles of Association, clause 22: 

  • Each Member Church shall have the right to appoint three Church Representatives to attend and vote at general meetings of the Association. 

  • Subject to clause 22.3 each Church Representative and each Executive Member shall have one vote at general meetings of the Association. 

  • In relation to a special resolution and the appointment of Executive Members the Church Representative of a Member Church shall together exercise one vote on behalf of the Member Church. 



Ben Elliott is a communication professional. 


YBA Assembly 2023 - Marking 100 years!